Indonesia and Corruption (More) Acute
by: Wawan Kurniawan
Transparency International Indonesia (TII) gives year-end present bitter to indonesian. After international accomplishment" honourable" that is sixth corrupt position from 159 countries, TII take aim deeper to internal institutions. The result, policies party is corrupt institution at this country is followed by parliament, police, customs, court, judiciary, and tax (Jawa Pos, 24/12/05). While in 2004, TII laid customs and court is first and second.
When comparated with TII report in the early year 2005 with subject same that laid customs, police, and TNI (Tentara Nasional Indonesia/Indonesia National Military) in position one, two, and three (Jawa Pos, 18/02/05), there new institutions that step into corruption arena and surprisingly (correcter said ironic) direct leading (lead).
TNI downs from top three. Necessary payed, economy social foundations that move be shelter TNI still to managed fund big enough. There guess corruption also happen at foundations.
Customs, court, and police stills to survive. Customs is one of [the] income centre (revenue center) government. Person traffic and goods is permanent source with big income.
Also hold rein monitoring smuggling. import luxurious car smuggling case some time then, they say involve officers police, pull public attention. And so it is with case oil ilegal. Latest, rice import case that being processed.
Report agreement result LPEM UI (Universitas Indonesia/Indonesia University) and World Bank mentions there corruption 7 milliards at customs, while TII declare there leakage 23 milliards. Bo wonder when does president imply repair in customs body.
Police as case investigator institution even be case producer institution. Begin from import luxurious car case, money miliaran in bill 15 top brass persons pati(high officer as general) by report Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisa Transaksi Keuangan (Reporting Centre and Finance Transaction Analysis) (Jawa Pos, 04/08/05), markup project radio network and communication development means as big as Rp 60,2 milliards (on report Blora Center), ship deliverance smuggler oil at Jawa Timur (East Java) in September, then up to bribe case BNI (Bank Nasional Indonesia/Indonesia National Bank) 46 that penetrated 1,3 triliun. Three pati essences is ascertained related to this government bank case.
Same thing happens at court and MA (Mahkamah Agung/Supreme Court). From case sales, judge deviation, up to mafia court that cover structural official also functional. Andi Andojo who come famous because his bravely to open court corruption case, ever say if suppose building walls MA can speak, they will testify about various" rot" in place MA that.
Parable pat water at belanga face splash self, corruption at police, court, and MAx more tarnish excpectation law enforment at this country. Why expect legal institutiion if those institutions monkey law as delicious as it.
New Player
For class realist, policies struggle to get power (Morgenthau, 1985: 27). Harold Lasswell (1936) said that with term "who gets to what, when, and how" (who gets what, when, and how). That mean party is tool gets power.
In word other, policies party principal function looks for and defend power (Ramlan Subakti, 1999: 116) although has function derivation likes articulation, agregate, socialization, recruitment, participation, guide, communication, and policies controller. And power, follow Soltau in dAn Introduction to Politics, the capacity to make one's will prevail over that of others, even against these others wills. Meanwhile, follow Alfred de Grazia in The Elements of Political Science, power is the control over disposition of valued things.
Based on two explanations about that power, perceivable that any function derivation parpol has only one estuary, that is exploitation. Because eksploitatif here's parpol be corruption source. Lord acton called that with expression" power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" . If parpol corrupt, parliament as automatic the environment is corrupt.
Year 2005 be year punishment to all period legislative member 1999-2004. So they are finished hold a position, corruption whom they do forced open along that function time ending. They are malefactor at trial and final menetap at jail. Does same thing happen at year 2010 when does member DPR (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat/National Representative) and DPRD (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah/Regional Representative) period 2004-2009 finished the task time? i don't know.
Not yet counted also corruption at departement, BUMN (Badan Usaha Milik Negara/State Ownership Corporation), LSM (Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat/NGO), and privat enterprise. Clear, corruption long has gnawed this nation at every layer. Corruption makes us more fall and weak. Corruption causess massif poverty (there around 40 million poor person), minimize natural resources, wane it state's stock exchange, the porous national security defense, high education cost, enlarge abroad debt, and strengthen dependence in foreign aid.
With honour taste, we have haved nation-take term Kwik Kian Gie (2003)-flipper that lose independence because corruption. Indonesia is banana republic.
(Sidoarjo, East Java, 25/12/05)
Friday, August 24, 2007
Indonesia and Corruption (More) Acute
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